Find Gratitude in the Hectic Holiday Moments

I recently heard Tony Robbins say something in a podcast and it stuck with me; this is not verbatim, but he said something along the lines of, “Where there is gratitude there cannot be anger or fear.” Hearing and understanding this concept had a profound impact on me and I’ve found myself looking for things to be grateful for in moments of anxiety or frustration. Just yesterday I had to extend my commute to get my daughter and as I got into my car my internal dialogue began to complain, “A whole extra 30 minutes…it’s going to be so late by the time I get home…blah, blah, blah.” But, then I checked myself, and looked for a place to be grateful. I get 30 minutes to myself, to unwind, to let go of a hard day at work, to listen to the music or podcast of my choosing. I also get to gaze out at fresh scenery and appreciate the evening rays of the sinking sun. I am so lucky to have this opportunity. Boom. 

With the holidays quickly approaching this is a fantastic practice to change the anxiety-filled whirlwind of the holiday season into a peaceful time of celebration! Here are a few places where this practice can be put into place:

  • Holiday shopping- with the rush, the budget, and perhaps the screaming kids on the next aisle (or in your own buggy) , holiday shopping can become a nightmarish event. Find gratitude in this endeavor by thinking clearly of the person you are shopping for, imagine their face lighting up at your thoughtful gift.
  • Planning the meal/party- rather than taking this task completely upon yourself ask for help, make it a group effort that creates connection and teamwork. If you know someone that is planning the main event offer to collaborate or participate. Find gratuity in working together to create something bigger.
  • Being at the overcrowded family event, or awkward office party- it can feel uncomfortable sometimes in these situations, which is generally handled by drinking or eating too much. What if instead you focus on making one person’s night? Find someone that needs some extra attention and love, ask some questions about their life, and listen actively.  Be grateful for the opportunity to foster, or even create, a meaningful relationship.

There are probably a thousand stress-inducing scenarios related to the holidays, but with those, are a thousand more opportunities to find gratitude. It may not be easy, sometimes it may not even be possible, but try it out. It is something that I have to actively remind myself to do, which is why it is a practice. Some days I am active in it, some days I’m not. The key is to notice how it can make things better, remind yourself to keep at it (or get started), and show gratitude to YOU for even making an effort!

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