Postpartum Hair Loss: You’ll Survive, Maybe Even Thrive!

Postpartum shedding is a temporary process and is usually on its way to resolution by the time you actually notice it. Go take a peak in the mirror at your hairline. You can probably already see new hair growth along the crown of your head. While it seems suddenly overwhelming it’s really not the dramatic event you probably feel like it is (speaking from experience, I may have overreacted in the moment!). 

This postpartum hair loss is not related to breastfeeding, diet, or stress. It is simply part of the pregnancy process. While you were pregnant you may have noticed your hair grew faster or got thicker. This is because the cocktail of pregnancy hormones interrupts the normal hair growth cycle. 

In general hair grows and sheds in a pattern that maintains full head coverage with minimal shedding of hairs. When you are pregnant the shedding process is inhibited so the growth part of the cycle is dominant and that’s why pregnant women usually have extra voluminous hair, one of the pregnancy perks! Then once your baby is born hormone shifts turn the shedding mechanism back on. Because this process was on vacation for a while it’s really ready go back to work! Now you’re back to your normal amount of shedding, along with losing all the hairs that weren’t shed during pregnancy. So, when you do start to notice your hair loss it can seem like a disturbing amount (seemed like it to me!), but it’s just your body course correcting. 

If you are still concerned, feel your hair loss is truly excessive, or if it continues past six months postpartum, speak with your doctor. But, for most of us it just takes time for the hair to regrow. Although, like your body, your hair may never be the same. What if instead of letting it ruin your day (maybe week, month, year) or mood, you accept and own it? How would it feel to wear your “baldness” (and post-baby body) as the badge of honor it is? What would that do for other women in the same, or a more severe scenario? If you aren’t in a space to wear your patches proudly you can always try to style your hair in a camouflaging way (shave it off as my husband suggested), wear headbands or hats, or even try out a wig. 

Just remember, your body (hairless crown and squishy belly included) is carrying you through this time and finding just a little gratitude, even if you don’t feel it just yet, could help you to get through, and even thrive! 

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