Make Breakfast the Most INTENTIONAL Meal of the Day

What if instead of the long-standing idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you begin to make breakfast the most intentionalmeal of the day. Let go of all the old boundaries of breakfast, whether it is the timing, or the type of food, and discover the freedom of breakingyour fastwith the meal that sets you up for your best day. Here are some ways to get started:

  1. Be in inquiry around the time that’s right for your morning.For some, eating breakfast immediately upon waking feels just right, others may need an hour or more of space, and others still have their first meal at a time that feels more like brunch or lunch. Make this decision by listening to your body and the discovery its readiness to accept fuel. 
  2. Choose the type of meal that fits your schedule.Can you make a full spread every day or do you need to prep the night before? Is breakfast for you more snack than meal? Do you make your own breakfast or pick something up? A lot more than your body’s preferences need to be considered here like how much free time you have in the morning and what your breakfast budget is. 
  3. Eat something that makes you feel ready to take on the rest of your day. While TV suggests cereal, toast, and orange juice being a “complete breakfast,” that type of meal can contain way more sugar than you need and leave you feeling hungry well before lunchtime. A fast food meal is usually full of fat may leave you feeling heavy and sluggish. Take a good long look at your past breakfasts and remember the one that made you feel nourished, energized, and put an extra bounce in your step!
  4. Try to include something from every food group.This can be a bit of a struggle if you stick to the “classic breakfast” format, so think about stepping outside the lines here. Try on dinner for breakfast with repurposed leftovers. Add greens to egg dishes, smoothies, or have a breakfast salad. 
  5. Create an experience.Wake up early enough to have time to set the table (or set it the night before), use a full place setting (even just a plate and/or bowl, spoon/fork/knife, napkin/placemat, etc.), and savor the meal with this extra space you have created for your morning. 

You may find that bringing more attention to this one part of your day opens the door to intention in other areas, allowing you to master the flow of your whole day. So, let go of what “should be” to make room for what “could be,” a happier and healthier start your day! 

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