Find Freedom from the Restrict/Binge Cycle by Listening…to You!

The restrict/binge cycle is your body’s natural response to unconscious external agreements around food that have overridden the instinctual way your body wants to help you self-monitor your intake. Binging doesn’t occur without restriction or deprivation. For some it is an involuntary deprivation related to things like socioeconomic status, lack of agency or control over food decisions (children), etc. But, for many caught in this vicious cycle, it is the result ...

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Ease Stress Around the Family Table

Use this framework as general, gentle guidelines as they align with your family’s needs[1]: Parent’s job around food: Decide the what- What foods are provided for each meal and what foods are available in between meals.  Set the when- When foods are available, try to maintain structure around meal times and snack times. Choose the where- Create a calm, stable, distraction-free space for meal time. Take advantage of the time to check in and ...

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